Teeni and Weeni were handed into our care at just 3 weeks old - orphaned kittens, desperate for their mother's love and protection, but she was gone. This was a very sad situation.

We expected to be hand rearing them, but we hoped that one of the mother cats we had with kittens would give these poor little mites some comfort. It just so happened that we had a sweet little mother cat called Tammy with kittens of a similar age, so we introduced Teeni and Weeni to her.

To our joy, Tammy was wonderful to them. She accepted them immediately, drawing them to her and washing them and letting them suckle, and from that moment on she fed them, cuddled them, and brought them up as her own.

Tammy is a special girl - not all mother cats will accept a kitten that is not their own, let alone two! She has been fantastic, and considering what a difficult time she had, it was quite a miracle. When she came into our centre she was terribly thin and in poor condition, needing extra special care.

Throughout the care of her own kittens and of Teeni and Weeni, we supplemented their milk and gave Tammy everything she needed to stay strong. This has been a real success story - Tammy is well and strong and she and her kittens have all been offered homes.

Teeni and Weeni have thrived under their adoptive mum's care, and they are now waiting to be offered a loving home where they can stay together.

The outcome for all of these beautiful creatures could have been so different if it weren't for people noticing their plight and bringing them to our attention. We happily breathe a sigh of relief.